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About Pidilite Industries Limited (PIL)

PIL is engaged in the business of manufacturing and sale of adhesives and sealants and has been a pioneer and market leader in consumer and specialties chemicals in India. It has a variety of product range including Adhesives and Sealants, Construction and Paint Chemicals, Automotive Chemicals, Art Materials, Industrial Adhesives, electrical products, Industrial and Textile Resins and Organic Pigments and Preparations.

PIL is also engaged in non-profit social development activities as part of Corporate Social Responsibility in the areas of skill development, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, water management, education, health care, afforestation, sanitation, livelihood development of women, khadi promotion and other areas of community development. PIL’s registered office is at Regent Chambers, 7th Floor, Jamnalal Bajaj Marg, 208 Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021.

About the Advance Skilling Centre on Carpentry and Plumbing

PIL has been working in collaboration with the Directorate of Employment, Skill Development and Training, under Labour, Skill Development & Employment Department, Govt. of Gujarat since 2014 to promote Carpenter, Plumber, Construction and Electrician courses in the Government ITIs. In last seven years, we have covered a total of around 30,000 trainees in 200 ITIs in the aforementioned 4 courses. We have also been Industry Partner in 9 ITIs, both under STRIVE and State PPP, and supporting the Govt. PIL is also a partner organisation of World Skill Competition for Carpentry and Plumbing trades.

PIL has been planning to set up an Advance Skilling Centre for Carpentry and Plumbing in collaboration with Kaushalya – The Skill University, Govt. of Gujarat. Overall objectives of the centre are;

  • i. To conduct Degree, Diploma and Certificate courses as approved by Skill University including both Short Term and Long Term courses as per market demand. The details of these courses will be submitted subsequently by the Institute.
  • ii. To Train the Trainers of ITIs, Prime Minister KaushalyaVikasYojana as well as other trainers (Government and Private Skill centers).
  • iii. Demonstration of latest technologies, skills and products based on market requirement.
  • iv. Research and consulting assignments.
  • v. Organizing training and competition for World Skill Competition at state, regional and national levels.

The base of the Centre will be Hub and Spoke Model – the existing ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes) being the spoke – providing basic level of training and the centre would be hub – for advancetraining. The Centre will aim for self-sustainability through generating revenues from training,production and other assignments. Curriculum and Assessment will be done as per University Guidance.Regular operation and management of the centre will be done by a SIMC (SkillInstitute Management Committee) comprising of members from both PIL andSkill University.

Government will be providing infrastructure supports in terms of Building, water and electricity and necessary approvals/certification for trainings, whereas PIL will set up the centre by providing tools, equipment, machineries and furniture and also, experts to run the courses.